“Everyday Walks”
The sound of Gregorian chanting fills the hallway, creating an atmosphere that is both serene and hauntingly spiritual. As we step forward, vibrant geometric colors blanket our entire bodies, leaving only our faces unobstructed. This melding of color and sound transforms our surroundings into a sacred space, a canvas of ritual and reflection.
Our daily walk is our every day carry, a journey that transports us to and from wherever we need to go. It is more than mere locomotion; it is a ritual, a spiritual practice that bridges moments of our day. We move through different positions, our pace meticulously measured by units of length. Each step is approximately 0.75 meters, or 30 inches, while a double step, returning to the same foot, spans approximately 1.5 meters, or 60 inches. This deliberate pacing imbues our movement with a rhythm that mirrors the steady incantations filling the air.
Traversing multiple landscapes, our walk captures the essence of our existence― walking away from constant virtuousness in a world that has grown accustomed to social media's projection of universal evils upon others, all while neglecting our own irrational and darker tendencies. This paradoxical state is ever-present in our steps, as we seek to reconcile the external judgments and internal reflections that shape our daily lives.
Our walk is a secret, yet it is also a connection―a bridge between transparency and the loss of distance. In a world where everything must be transparent, true expertise and the honor derived from distance are endangered species. If we must work and practice something to excel, that goal remains hidden from immediate grasp, betraying the spirit of our age. Consequently, it is often met with skepticism and distaste. But what can be honored where nothing is afforded the respect of distance?
In our walk, this needed distance is always available. Here, expertise can flourish, and honor is preserved, even if only in the quiet, measured steps that carry us through our daily rituals. It is a journey of spiritual reflection, a constant oscillation between the visible and the hidden, the transparent and the opaque.
In essence, our everyday walk is a dance between the sacred and the mundane, a ritualistic journey that reminds us of the virtues and contradictions that define our human experience. It is a celebration of distance, expertise, and the honor that can only be found in the spaces between.